Last year I didn't get to make any apricot jam, we use the last of the 2008 jam a few months back.
This year so far I have turned 8 kilo of apricots from our son's tree into jam. Going back again this Wednesday evening to see if we can score more for jam. James doesn't eat the apricots, so this makes it very easy for me to acquire and convert into jam.
Sure going to miss the tree if James ever moves from his rented house.
1 comment:
If you son moves at harvest time, ask the landlord if you can pick them if the house is still empty. You can also ask the new tenants if you can pick the apricots. If they seem like they are going to say "no," offer to pick and preserve and share with them. Give them a third of your canning since they don't own the tree either.
In the meantime, you can keep an eye out for another apricot tree. Put the word out even as you keep a watch.
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