The latest find away from the stupidmarkets is cheese.
Each fortnight Pat & I travel by train into the city and visit The Central Markets to buy the foods we have found cheaper than elsewhere.
So lets take a look at our latest find.

From the label you can see its priced by weight and these weights will vary.
For $2.88 we bought 0.322 grams of cheese at $8.95 per kilo.
Comparing the price & weight to the lines carried in the stupidmarkets to the cheese we bought this week.......
I priced cheese not on special as the cheese we bought wasn't on special.
I didn't pick the dearest cheese either when pricing the brands. So the prices from the stupidmarkets are as follows.
- 250 grams........ $4.00
- 500 grams........ $6.50
- 1 kilo......... $10.50
- 250 grams...... $2.24
- 500 grams..... $4.47
- 1kilo........ $8.95
The cheese we bought is an almost local cheese as its a Mt Gambier cheese.For people overseas, Mt Gambier is south of Adelaide.
With the other items we buy at the markets and the cost of the train ticket and our time, we are out in front. We are also supporting the small business man and keeping the $$$$ at home in Australia.
I hope this gives you an idea that the stupidmarket isn't the be all to end all place from food shopping.
Until next time....hoo roo
technorati tags: cheese, food savings
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